Two people, one sitting and one standing, looking at a laptop

What We Learn in the World of Digital Marketing

business Oct 19, 2020

Our campaign strategies and daily goals are sourced from what we learn daily in digital marketing. In this blog, I am separating (just a little bit) from the technical part of marketing to write about some interesting facts that every marketer, freelancer, entrepreneur, etc. should know.

Go Digital/Online

Online marketing has gained a lot of advantage over the traditional form of offline marketing. It is more cost-effective and allows companies to interact with customers in real-time.

Content Really Does Matter

Content is crucial in the world of digital marketing. The more useful content you produce online, the more visibility you will have with your audience.

Be Present on Social Media

You should have presence and availability on social media. Use as many apps as possible and keep them updated. This will keep your customers loyal and updated with every aspect of your online presence. It also gives people the chance to react to your posts, allowing you to engage with customers from all over the world.

Have Options for Your Customers

According to Hubspot, 47% of buyers looked at 3-5 pieces of content before ordering. Having options for your customers gives them a choice whilst keeping them engaged with your products. This creates less chance of them going elsewhere for what they need if you already have it.

Listen and Act on Feedback

Very often, the words of our customers are the best way to promote a product. Listening to complaints, dealing with them and improving your business relies on feedback. You can only learn from your mistakes. Also, positive feedback is great for your company too.

Create Video Content

Online Video is (and will be) the King. As Hubspot says, 81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool up from 63% over the last year.

Find Solutions

You should learn new skills every day to find solutions for each client. Marketing is a very competitive sector (especially at the moment). Focus your company on finding solutions that work instead of selling a bad or incomplete product with a discount.

You Have 7 Seconds

Thanks to social media being a fight for attention, you usually have just 7 seconds to impress someone. Make sure all the content you upload is optimised to load at the fastest possible speed. Every second counts when you want to engage someone.

Use Your Creativity

Be creative. It is increasingly difficult to stand out, but something genuine is always welcome. Creativity and originality always have a return. 

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Build a winning team. Teamwork allows you to contribute ideas and find the most creative solutions to cover the needs of your clients.

What Else Can We Learn in Digital Marketing?

In addition to the above lessons based on facts and statistics you will find some more learning taught by experience. I am referring to the points you face day after day and could make you give up what you are passionate about or embrace it even harder.  

A couple of questions that I would like to share with you: Is everything valid in marketing? Is everything acceptable when trying to convince?

This opens up two points of view, what concerns the customer and what happens regarding the employee.

The relationship between doing the right things and making money has been studied for years. Every business has the opportunity to engage in ethical marketing. Any company can choose to be open, honest and fair when working for its customers.

I am sure we agree that the work of the marketer, except for those who work on the technical side, is not as beautiful as it seems. It is a highly competitive sector, and every day your margin of error gets more reduced since you depend on having clients. In times of wealth, marketing might be the first service to be contracted and in times of crisis, could be the first one to be dispensed.



Written by Cristina Moreno

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