What to Consider When Choosing a University for Marketing

student advice Feb 04, 2021

Knowing what to consider when choosing a University, as well as trying to choose the correct course for you, is an essential part of your marketing journey. It's a big responsibility, and you might be unsure of what questions to ask or what you should be looking out for. Here are some key factors to consider to determine if the academic side of University matches up with your own needs.

1. Lecturers and Their Industry Experience

Lecturer experience is a prime factor of what to consider when choosing a University. They offer significant insight into what you need to achieve and accomplish to succeed within the industry. Just remember marketing is constantly evolving, but your lecturer will still offer valuable knowledge.

2. Does the Course Offer What You Want?

Not every module will be your cup of tea, but they should be relevant to your marketing interests. Some Uni’s offer highly specialised marketing degrees whereas others will give you that flexibility to pick and choose what interests you. Make sure you research this so the course matches what you want.

3. The Environment/City

Wherever you end up living whilst attending University you have to like the environment and feel content. You will be living there for around 3 years!  It’s a good idea to find out about what the area is like and what it offers for you. You may want to work part-time, have access to good places to eat or want a lively nightlife scene. You don’t necessarily have to live there in the future but it’s a good idea to look into the companies that are based there for placement opportunities or future graduate roles.

4. University Working Environment

Important factors are cleanliness, amount of light and what resources they offer. Finding somewhere you’re comfortable and happy with will ensure that you will work productively to produce the best quality work you can. You may require specialised resources so you should look into whether the University can provide you with it.

5. Employability Percentage

The employability percentage of graduates who have left the University and are now working is a huge factor. The aim of going to University in the first place is to make yourself stand out against those who haven’t got marketing degrees when applying to jobs. Looking into this percentage shows how well the university is at preparing and moulding you into a great job candidate.

Be careful when looking into this at open days as Universities. For example, a University could say that 97% of people secured jobs after 6 months of leaving but that may be the University as a whole and not just the marketing course. So, make sure to clarify their statistics and ask questions.

6. Accommodation

Looking at University accommodation is an exciting experience. You have the opportunity to share a flat with new people or stay in a studio if you prefer your own space. Depending on where you’ll be living, prices, size, features e.g. gym and age of accommodation will vary. Finding the accommodation that best suits your needs early, like the closest one to the University or the one with the most modern interior, will mean that you won’t have to rush at the last minute choosing one. Remember to apply for accommodation early as the best options will go quick!

7. What Opportunities Does the Uni Offer?

Do they offer a placement year? Opportunities abroad? This can be a deal-breaker for some who want to take advantage of this. At Girls in Marketing, we believe University isn’t just about the academics and you should be left with lots more than just a degree. Find out about opportunities early and take advantage of them, this will also help you stand out on your CV.

We hope these factors make choosing your University that bit easier and you're now prepared for what to look out for. 

Written by Sally Nicholson.

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