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Planning and Buying Traditional Media Marketing

traditional marketing Sep 21, 2020

Traditional media marketing should not be dismissed or forgotten. We know that digital marketing has its strengths; its cheap, fast and effective at speaking to our target audiences. However, sometimes, traditional media can offer a better return on investment. Not to mention it's a great way to speak to mass audiences.

What is Classed as Traditional Media?

Let's go back to advertising your business before the world of Instagram. Often, traditional media can be referred to as ‘above the line’ media. This includes:

  • TV adverts
  • OOH (Out Of Home) advertising such as billboards
  • Bus stop adverts
  • Radio
  • Newspaper and Magazines
  • Cinema adverts

With all of these channels, mass media is the aim of the game. This is especially effective for brands that are focusing on brand building and awareness through the audience. For example, think about your regular commute to work. How many adverts do you see on your journey, or on the TV while you have your breakfast? How many of those are the same advert?

Why Choose Traditional Media in Marketing?

To answer this question, you must consider your strategic intention. Are you trying to build brand awareness? Which of these media aligns with your audience best?

For example, if you're trying to reach a domestic family market, consider showing an advert during a popular TV show. Make sure that you make your advert works for the media that will give you the reach you require. Not the other way around. For example, are you trying to market an intangible product such as an experience or day out? Is this better demonstrated via a TV advert rather than a print ad to demonstrate the value and experience?

How Do I Book Traditional Media? Is it Expensive?

Traditional media marketing can be expensive, especially when compared to digital marketing. Some will argue that it's harder to measure the performance of print adverts. Therefore, they will focus on reach and frequency as their key metrics. 

Often, companies with larger media budgets will use an agency to book their media. These agencies have great relationships with media owners and can often negotiate bulk buys for better value and arrange tailored sites for best targeting. However, smaller businesses can book these sites directly with the media owners without paying the agency fee. Most magazine publications will feature a media pack with their advertising fees on their website. It’s always worth getting in touch with their sales team though as you can often negotiate smaller fees for larger media buys across several issues. Always make sure you're considering your budgets when booking!

How Do I Make Sure My Creative is Suitable for These Traditional Channels?

Make sure you consider your audience. For example, if the brand building is your aim, ensure that your creative includes information about your brand; logo, product, price and a clear call to action. This is to either drive traffic to another channel (i.e. website) or, to further push the consumer down the marketing funnel.

Make sure your messaging is appropriate for the audience you are talking to. Is it appropriate for the location of the advert? A good rule of thumb when creating adverts for use on the underground is not to make them too wordy as dwell times are short in these areas.

Finally, does it get across the message you want and is it on brand? Consider all of these options when building your creative for the best impact!

Other Tips for a First-Time Media Buyer

Do your research! Have a look into media owners, agencies and publications which may target your ideal audiences. Many media owners span several channels; for example, Global (who own Capital and Heart radio stations) also recently acquired 253k outdoor advertising sites, making their portfolio of media space extensive in the media sphere. 

Check your strategic objectives and make the media fit them. Don’t choose a media just because you have the creative ready and will save you creative costs. Make sure that the media fits the site and spend the extra money tweaking it to the right specifications for the best impact on your audience.

Check your measurements. If you’re booking a large amount of media, consolidate all the potential reach and frequencies over your campaign period to get a sense of what the measurements will look like. Don’t be afraid to ask your media partners for more information once your campaign has finished; they might have extra information on their reach once the period has ended.

Written by Jemma Anderson

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