First-Year Tips for Marketing Students at University

student advice Jun 06, 2020

Going to university is a nerve-racking experience, but so exciting. It's a new adventure full of independence and freedom. At Girls in Marketing, we want you to feel prepared. Here are some tips for marketing students to help guide you through your first year!

1. Join Societies

Uni is completely different from school or college. You gain independence, freedom and personal responsibility. A great start would be to join societies e.g. a marketing society. It's not guaranteed that you will get on with your flatmates. Therefore, this is a great way to make more friends and boost your network.

2. Get Involved With the Uni!

You'll have plenty of opportunities at university. Including offers like trips abroad, becoming a student ambassador etc. These are great ways to boost your CV as well as meeting new people.

Jobs like becoming a student ambassador allows you to participate in open and applicant days, taking part in various activities. This enables you to spend more time with the lecturers and working with other students. Being an ambassador requires you to market yourself as well as the university. You'll talk to upcoming uni students and share your experience, which is valuable skills for your marketing career.

3. Explore Beyond Your Campus

Take some time to get to know the area you’ll be living in. Don’t just get to know the clubs, supermarkets and the chain restaurants, really explore the area and take full advantage while you're there.

4. Get Work Done Early

This is easier said than done. But, starting your assignments early allows you to plan, get to grips with the work and stress less! It also enables you to get your work checked by the module lecturer so you can make vital changes to improve your grade. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you are struggling with the work; the lecturers are there to help you.

5. Don’t Underestimate the First Year

You may have heard the phrase ‘first year doesn’t count’. It does! Even if your first-year grades don’t technically contribute toward your final grade, it’s important to try your best. Having a good grounding of knowledge in the first year is very important, especially if you are new to marketing. You want to show your lecturers the effort you're putting into the degree, so they feel more inclined to help you. If you are interested in applying for a marketing placement, employers will want to know how well you’ve been doing.

6. Learn Some Cooking Skills

Although this may be daunting, learning how to cook during university is so beneficial. There are many student cookbooks and YouTube videos available to aid you with this. What you eat will also reflect your mood and work ethic, so it's important to have a balanced diet.

7. Social Media

One of the biggest tips for marketing students is to be mindful of what you post on your social media. This goes for any type of student. Future employers will look at this and you don’t want it to harm your job prospects, so keep a professional profile.

Also, think of how you can bring your social media skills to the classroom. More than likely, you will see marketing techniques on apps you use daily. From personalised ads to seeing your favourite influencers talking about brands they love.

8. The Student Loan is Not as Big as You Think

The majority of your student loan will be taken by rent. A good idea would be to figure out how much you are receiving, subtract the rent from that amount and from that work out how much you’d get each week.

I’d recommend getting a student bank account which includes a no interest overdraft while you’re a student, giving you something to fall back on in case of any emergencies. They often include an incentive e.g. a railcard. It’s important to be sensible with your overdraft as you will have to pay it back and if you know you’re not the best with money, maybe this isn’t the best option for you. Or, cap your overdraft so you don’t go over a certain amount. Make the most out of student discounts too!

9. Invest in a Good Laptop

This doesn't mean you have to splurge out on a MacBook, just a good laptop that’s easy to transport and not too slow. As a marketing student, it allows you to jot down notes quickly, keep files organised, download online books from the library, create presentations, keep up to date with the latest marketing news/trends and more. Not only that but if you’re unable to get a TV for your room you can easily access iPlayer’s, Netflix and YouTube through your laptop.

10. Surround Yourself With Motivated People

Amongst our tips for marketing students, you need to invest in those who make you feel good. When you surround yourself with motivated, positive individuals this makes you more likely to adopt a driven mindset and challenge you more, allowing you to produce better quality work. This is especially important in marketing as lots of your modules will include group work so you should choose your peers wisely.

11. Enjoy it!

After the first year, the workload is going to get harder, so make the most of it. Your time at uni will go so quickly. Make friends for life and create memories that will last you a lifetime. Your marketing career starts now, so make it count!


Written by Sally Nicholson

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