Things to Consider When Creating Your Social Media Aesthetic

social media Jun 03, 2020

With dozens of social media platforms available, how do you keep your personality and message consistent across multiple platforms? Our main tip would be: choose your path and stick with it.

To stay consistent across social media platforms you need to nail your social media aesthetic - this is the look and feel of your social media. 

Here are some of the things you should consider when creating your aesthetic: 


This will help you identify your overall ‘brand’, create your ‘niche’. Think about your overall look and feel and think of three words you want a consumer to say about your social media look and feel?
Sassy | Bold | Colourful | Elegant | Bubbly | Creative | Direct | Calm 

Colour swatch 

This will play a large play in keeping you consistent and recognisable. Most brands chose 2-3 colours to represent them, for example, Ikea uses yellow & blue, KFC uses red, Girls In Marketing use pink etc. Chose your colour scheme and stick with it for all your marketing and content, make sure you pick a colour and aligns with your business and theme, understand what colours really represent.


Chose an appropriate font that reflects your personality, alongside the colour, this should stay consistent across all of your touchpoints. The best way to nail your typography is by creating batches and asking people for their opinions, either consumers or colleagues. If you know what look you want great, if you don’t take inspiration from what’s around you - TheDailyType is an awesome Instagram account with a wide range of fonts to get your inspiration rolling. 


Look at how your accounts will look before you post anything, whether you’re posting videos, quotes, graphics, memes… Make sure your overall message is clear and the same. For example, on Twitter and Facebook a post will soon be gone after you’ve posted more content and shared content, whereas Instagram is more static, so if you have an important message think how you will keep is more present on Facebook and Twitter, share it more often, retweet yourself, pin it etc. 

Tone of voice 

Are you making puns? Are you talking strategic? Stating facts? Talking sassy? You know what your customer reacts best to, chose your voice and stick with it. You might find your consumers on Facebook react better to a more straight-forward tone rather than your audience on Tik Tok don’t want to read as much content and you twitter followers love the sass, that’s because the social demographic is completely different. It’s okay to tweak your content slightly over different platforms, but remember your brand, your theme, your tone. 


To really keep consistency, try editing on the same platform, this will really show through your work. Explore what you’re comfortable with and how much you like to create from scratch or use presets. Some great options to get your started are: 
Adobe Spark.

Remember your social media aesthetic should reflect your brand, you need to stay consistent across your social media, your marketing, your content, everything. 

Written by Alice Mutch

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