3 of the Best Paid Digital Marketing Courses

career advice student advice Sep 22, 2021

This blog is in partnership with Oxford College of Marketing (OXCOM.)

We have always praised and promoted free marketing courses. (In fact, we have even curated a list of free marketing courses!) We love seeing our community upskill and invest time into their marketing journeys.

However, you can always look beyond free courses to level up your knowledge. Courses that are completely free of charge often only scrape the surface. A lot of the time, they simply cover the basics and hold off from diving into the juicy stuff. 

What are the Benefits of Paid Marketing Training?

Paid or accredited marketing courses offer formal training that can be widely recognised in the marketing industry, which helps to increase your credibility as a marketer. Often, paid courses will also delve deeper into a certain topic so you will be able to squeeze more technical skills and knowledge out of your learning experience. 

If you’re looking to make a worthwhile investment in your career and step things up a notch, paid courses are the way to go! We’re going to share our favourite paid marketing courses with you now...

CIM Certificate in Professional Digital Marketing with Oxford College of Marketing (OXCOM)

You’ve probably heard of Oxford College of Marketing (OXCOM) before, as they are a leading marketing training college which specialise in delivering practical marketing courses across the world.  With 1-1 tutorials and an in-depth online learning system, OXCOM have designed courses which will 100% supercharge your career and give you all the confidence you need to succeed. 

We highly recommend checking out its entire range of courses - its team delivers some of the best online marketing training around! If you want to increase your knowledge of digital marketing, take a look at the CIM Certificate in Professional Digital Marketing Course. It covers three modules: Applied Marketing, Planning Campaigns and Digital Marketing Techniques. You can expect to learn about the ins and outs of creating campaigns, how to research and capture data as well as build your knowledge around digital tools. You’ll complete the course by producing a work-based portfolio assessment too. 

Once you’ve completed this particular course, you will also receive a CIM accredited certificate. Combine this with the support from OXCOM’s team of tutors, and you’ll be well on your way to success! You can also receive an award from CIM by taking any of the modules that interest you, so you can choose to complete the course at your own pace. 

You can enquire more about the CIM course with OXCOM courses via our form here.

The Complete Digital Marketing Course by Udemy

Udemy is a great platform with a wide selection of paid marketing courses available. This course is one of many available on Udemy that is affordable, yet valuable. 

It offers you the chance to learn about market research, email, copy,  social media marketing, WordPress and Google Analytics. We’d recommend this course if you’re an aspiring marketer, with a little bit of extra cash to splash. 

It’s worth keeping in mind that Udemy is not a strictly marketing-related platform, but hosts plenty of other courses unrelated to our industry (such as music, health and fitness and teaching.) All of the marketing courses are created by external marketers, so always remember to do your research on the creator of the course before you purchase. If you’d rather study with a more established organisation, it might be best to stick to a trusted college like OXCOM. 

Digital Marketing Course Bundle by ClickMinded

We’ve seen some brilliant reviews of the ClickMinded courses, and cover every aspect of digital marketing in detail. From paid social and SEO to web analytics and email marketing, you’re getting 7 courses in one with this bundle. However, you also have the option to purchase each course/module individually. 

It’s the most expensive course on this list, and you won’t get the 1-1 tutorage like you do with an educational institute like OXCOM. So as always, make sure you do your research beforehand. 

Finding the best online marketing training can be difficult, so as avid fans of Oxford College of Marketing, we wanted to point you in the direction of its highly recognised courses. Who can blame us for wanting the best for our community? Click here to enquire about one of their life-changing courses and take a new exciting step into your marketing career. You can do this!

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