Should I Become a Chartered Marketer?

career advice student advice Jul 14, 2020

Many of us in the marketing community are naturally keen to understand ways we can advance our career further in the future. Becoming a Chartered Marketer is a topic we are beginning to hear more about. Many people are already on their way to becoming a chartered marketer but should you consider it too?

To help you understand what this could mean for your career, we have created a quick guide on the path to become a Chartered Marketer.

Becoming a member

Chartered marketer status is awarded by The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). They are the world’s leading professional marketing body. Joining the CIM is one of the first steps on the journey to become chartered. To be able to progress to gain this status you must join the CIM at graded membership level. This starts at grade (ACIM) which is awarded to those with at least three years’ experience in marketing or if you hold a CIM qualification.

If you don’t currently hold a CIM qualification or plan on studying within next few years, the next best thing to do is build your experience. To become a member at ACIM level without a CIM qualification you need to have worked in marketing for at least three years, and this begins from your first graduate or junior role.

If you are struggling to find your first job, consider freelancing to kick start your marketing experience. Our Girls in Marketing team have put together a Freelance Marketing eCourse focused on helping to kick start your freelance career .

Upon joining the CIM you will have access to a range of online materials including podcasts, webinars, and online digital content. You will also have the opportunity to join the mentoring programme and attend regional marketing events to network and learn more about specific marketing subjects. When you join there is a choice of payment options available, allowing you to pay in full or spread the cost and pay monthly.

Track your CPD

Once you become a member at ACIM level you can begin to track your continuous professional development. If you are joining with more than 10 years’ experience at senior management level (MCIM or FCIM), you may not have to complete the required CPD tracking. Instead you will be asked to complete reflective statements each CPD year.

The CPD tracking can include a range of professional development activities. This could include attending webinars, events, writing articles, mentoring, reading, and studying. The CIM makes it easy to track via the purpose built CPD tracking app. To become chartered, you must track your activities over a two-year period. After your CPD tracking is complete you can take the short test based on a range of marketing subjects, you will be given around five attempts to pass the test.

Once you become a Chartered Marketer

Once you achieve the Chartered Marketer status you will be added to the CIM Chartered Directory, issued with a certificate, access to the range of logos. You will also be granted access to use “Chartered Marketer” or “CMktr” after your name. After being awarded this status you must continue to build and take part in CPD activities annually to retain this title.

Becoming recognised with the title of Chartered Marketer not only shows your commitment to your profession but also reinforces your level of knowledge to employers and clients.

If you are looking for a bigger goal to work towards over time which is recognised and relevant to employers. Then, becoming a Chartered Marketer is a great option. Plus, if you want to access some online courses; our courses page has plenty of FREE and affordable options for you to look at as well.

Written by Emma Degnan

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