Top Tips for Securing a Marketing Apprenticeship

career advice student advice Jul 22, 2021

Marketing apprenticeships are available to anyone relatively new to the marketing industry. They allow you to develop marketing skills and experience whilst earning money and gaining a nationally recognised marketing qualification. 

From copywriting to communications, there are a wide variety of different marketing apprenticeships out there. In this post, we will answer the question ‘what is a digital marketing apprenticeship?’ and you can read our top tips for securing a marketing apprenticeship in 2021!


What is a Digital Marketing Apprenticeship?

Digital marketing is one of the most popular and prominent marketing apprenticeships out there, so let’s cover the basics of what a digital marketing apprenticeship is.

In simple terms, digital marketing is online marketing, so a digital marketing apprenticeship is where you develop fundamental digital marketing skills needed for the job role...

…on the job. These skills include social media content creation, keyword research for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising.

If you’ve taken a shine to digital marketing and want to find out if it’s the right career path for you, then reading our blog on Is Digital Marketing a Good Career? is a great way for you to gain valuable insights into the field and allows you to look at digital marketing in more depth.

Applying for marketing apprenticeships can be daunting, and it can be difficult to know how to make your CV and interview stand out from the crowd. Because of this, we have devised a list of tips to help you secure a marketing apprenticeship so that you can achieve your marketing career goals in no time!


Gain Real-Life Work Experience

An apprenticeship is a hands-on job. So, is it a surprise that real-life work experience is valued so heavily for apprenticeship applications? 

Even if the experience does not directly relate to marketing, you can mould your skills to fit the marketing role. For example, working as a Customer Assistant highlights an applicant’s communication, customer service and teamwork skills to potential employers. These soft skills are incredibly valuable for marketers to have at any stage of their career.

If you can’t find any work experience, create your own! Write a blog or create a portfolio showcasing your graphic design skills to highlight how you’ve been proactive in developing your marketing skillset in your own time, which will emphasise your dedication, determination and drive.


Brush Up on Your Marketing Knowledge 

You don’t need to know anything and everything about marketing to secure a marketing apprenticeship, but having a basic understanding of the core concepts shows that you’ve taken the time to learn more about the industry, which highlights your passion and also eagerness to learn more about marketing.

Online courses are a great way to develop this knowledge, and most often provide certifications to add to your CV. That's pretty great, right?

For social media and digital enthusiasts, the Girls in Marketing’s How to Grow and Scale Your Instagram Account on a Budget E-Course provides great insight on how to grow and scale your Instagram account whilst increasing engagement, and for aspiring graphic designers, Canva's Graphic Design Basics Course can help you think like a graphic designer in 12 quick-fire lessons. 

There are PLENTY of online courses for you to choose from. Find out which courses align with your marketing goals the best!


Get to Grips with Jargon 

Jargon is particularly impressive to employers. If you can throw in bits of jargon you’ve learnt about correctly in both your CV and in the interview, not only will you come across as knowledgeable, but you will stand out from other candidates and increase your chances of securing a marketing apprenticeship.

For example, if you’re applying for a digital marketing apprenticeship, it would definitely be beneficial to have a basic understanding of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Email Marketing jargon.


Tailor Your CV for Every Application

Not every company advertising for a marketing apprentice looks for the same skills and qualifications. For example, a public relations apprenticeship will place a heavier emphasis on creative writing and verbal communication skills than a graphic design apprenticeship. This is why it is SO important to tailor every apprenticeship application to each individual job role being advertised.

If your CV highlights how you meet the criteria in the particular job description, you can stand out. This will help put one foot forward towards the interview process.


Research the Company You’re Applying For

The question that ruins the chances of many candidates is ‘why do you want to work for our company?’, which is an interview question that is always asked and is very rarely answered well. 

This is why you should always research the company’s morals, background and best work. Not only will this benefit you in the interview, but it'll help you understand whether the company you're applying for is right for you. Always check that their morals and ethics align with your marketing career goals.


Develop Basic Interviewing Skills

As apprentices are expected to have minimal to no experience, employers thoroughly look for the right person. This is why interpersonal skills are so important for marketing apprenticeship applications, as ultimately you can develop someone’s skills and knowledge, but you can’t force them to have drive and passion for the marketing industry.

Take some time to breathe and relax before the interview. This will help you naturally smile! If appropriate and used correctly, a little bit of humour can also go a long way.

Most importantly, aim to reflect who you truly are with confidence and pride. Confidence is a key trait employers look for in an interview. If you’ve followed our previous tips, you’ll have loads of great topics to talk about and really sell yourself with. Make sure to sit up straight, speak with power, and show off how great you really are!


Practice Mock Marketing Tasks

Some marketing apprenticeship applications require you to complete a project-based task alongside an interview. The task can be proofreading, blog writing or anything marketing related. 

If you follow our ‘Brush Up on Your Marketing Knowledge’ tip, you’ll sail through the task presented to you! However, for a confidence boost, create mock marketing tasks that'll allow you to put what you have learnt into practice whilst consolidating your knowledge and skills before the interview.

Although all of this may seem overwhelming, remember that practice makes perfect. You may initially face rejections, and you may not secure a marketing apprenticeship on your first try. However, if you keep on developing your marketing knowledge, skills and confidence, you’ll eventually secure the right marketing apprenticeship for you, so don’t give up, and use our tips to help you achieve your marketing goals!

Written by Madeline Thorp

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