Instagram Updates 2022: How do you Need to Adjust your Strategy?

social media Mar 03, 2022

Just when we believe we’re getting the hang of the algorithm, there are a series of new Instagram updates released. With even more updates being trialled and tested as we speak, we need to understand how these updates will affect our social media accounts as marketers.


New Instagram Updates for 2022

Although we are only a couple of months into 2022, we have already seen big changes to Instagram. Here are the current updates that we have welcomed this year, although some of these updates remain in the testing phase:

Feed Changes 

Way back in 2016, Instagram gave us all a heart attack when they announced they were changing our feeds from chronological order to an algorithm-generated feed (you remember the horror, don’t you?) We have not stopped asking ourselves how to beat the Instagram algorithm ever since.

Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram, announced the new changes to the feed earlier this year. He stated users will now have three different feeds (Home, Following and Favourites) and they can pick their preferred feed to give users more control over the content they see. Following and Favourites feeds will both be chronologically ordered with users also still having access to the original algorithm-generated feed.

Subscriptions for Creators

Whilst this update remains in the testing phase, this service is expected to allow creators more opportunities to grow their income by offering subscribers exclusive content and benefits through the app. Adam Mosseri told Instagram users they can expect to see subscriptions from their favourite creators including lives for subscribers, exclusive stories and the opportunity to earn subscriber badges. (This is a similar concept to Pateron but in-app!)

Instagram began trialling this option in January 2022 allowing a handful of creators in the US to experiment with this new option. These creators now have access to a ‘Subscribe’ button on their profiles, in which they can charge a monthly rate.

 A Focus on Instagram Shopping

Instagram Shopping launched back in 2020 and Instagram is expected to continue pushing the Instagram store in 2022. Many accounts have received discount pop-ups to encourage them to purchase from the Instagram store, users have reported receiving either £5, £10 or 20% off discounts. 

It has become apparent that brands should work with Instagram, including using the shopping feature, to increase their visibility and relevance. Therefore, most brands have used this feature to remain readily available to their consumers.

Changes in Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels have been growing rapidly since their original launch in 2020. But, Reels can be a minefield. Do you really need to post every day? Do you need to jump on every single trending sound?

The recent updates with Instagram Reels have been welcomed by many users, with a new update called ‘Reels Visual Replies’. Users can now be able to reply to comments on their reels with another reel (perhaps taking inspiration from a popular video-based social media app…) 


So How Do You Adjust Your Strategy on Instagram?

Instagram is always changing and with more updates in the rumour mill, you should be prepared to research how to beat the Instagram algorithm and the best way to adjust your strategy.


Tip 1. Experiment with Instagram Reels

Using Instagram Reels can be a great way to increase the visibility of your account and be discovered by more users on the app. Although, do not assume that posting reels every day will automatically drive your engagement through the roof.


Hootsuite ran an experiment to monitor the actual effectiveness of Instagram Reels to assess if they should be in every Instagram strategy. It concluded that the Instagram algorithm generally only pushes the reach of high-quality reels, based on the quality of the resolution and the amount of text on the screen. The conclusion was that Instagram Reels are worth experimenting with but, if you are going to integrate them into your strategy, be prepared to set aside the time to create good quality reels.


Tip 2. Try to Engage With New Features

Keeping up with Instagram updates is essential in order to keep your account relevant for the app’s algorithm. The new features are introduced to give accounts more opportunities to increase their visibility, and you should keep up to date to give yourself a competitive advantage.


Tip 3. Optimise Your Profile for Engagement 

By keeping up with Adam Mosseri (if you don’t already follow him, you should) and Instagram’s new updates, you will learn how to optimise your organic growth to grow your profile. 


Some ways to optimise your profile include converting your profile to a business profile (if you haven’t already done so), crafting a compelling Instagram bio and nailing your hashtag strategy. 

While it can be time-consuming to keep up with Instagram recent updates, it can benefit your brand and give your account a huge competitive advantage in the long term.


If you want to get a greater understanding of Instagram and how it can benefit you, register for our ‘How to Grow and Scale Your Instagram Account’ eCourse for just £34.99.

Written by Keira Penney

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