Improve Your Brand's Social Media in Under 10 Minutes Using Insights

social media Aug 25, 2020

Let's be real, a bit of frustration can happen when your brand seems to not reach the right people on social media.

No worries!

There's hope and it's all within your social media insights.

Believe it or not, in under 10 minutes you can take the next step in improving your brand's social media content for the remainder of 2020.

Most social media platforms have an insights section that can be used to give you a much better idea of how everything is performing and what you should do differently.

I highly recommend you check-in with these insights for your clients and yourself at least once a week to find out what's working and what's not working.

These insights can help you do the following:

  • Find out where your target audience is located, their age, and gender.
  • Find out peak times and days your followers are online.
  • How many saves, comments, and reach are on your feed posts.
  • How are your Instagram or Facebook Stories performing?
  • The number of profile visits, website clicks, and contact clicks you are receiving.

Each one of these insights is special and should reflect your social media strategy.

According to Sprout Social, 47% of social media marketers say their main challenge involves creating social strategies that fully support their business goals.

I believe this can be changed if we pay close attention to our insights.

Remember, at the end of the day your goal is to reach the right people with engaging and valuable content. These both drive engagement and conversions.

How often are you checking your analytics? Or are you hoping to get into the habit of checking them soon?



Written by Danielle Wallace

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