Marketing training on a laptop

How to Prepare for 2023 (as a Marketer)

career advice Dec 01, 2022

We say it every year but 2022 seemed to go by in a flash! As marketers, we’re generally working at least a couple of months ahead, if not more, so for most of us it probably feels like 2023 is already here! 

This year there have been so many changes and updates in the marketing world that it can sometimes feel impossible to keep up.

We’ve put together a guide to help you prepare for the new year and enter 2023 feeling prepared to take on the marketing world!

Marketing Courses

It’s always a good idea to spend some time reviewing your current skills and where there may be gaps in your knowledge or experience. Once you have identified skills that you’d like to improve, whether they’re hard skills or soft skills, you can then take the necessary action to fill those gaps.

One of the best ways to upskill and fill knowledge gaps in marketing is to complete courses on the skills that you need to address.

The Girls in Marketing Membership is a great place to start with hundreds of marketing courses and recorded webinars with industry experts to learn from. It’s also a place for you to feel educated, empowered and connected in the marketing industry with opportunities to meet with our hundreds of members virtually and in-person.

Whether you have a few years’ experience under your belt or you’re a marketer-to-be, you will gain access to a supportive community of women in marketing and marketing resources that have the potential to catapult your marketing career.

If you want to just dip your toe into marketing training, there are also various free marketing courses you can explore to improve your knowledge. 

Network, network, network

Networking is one of the best ways to level up your marketing career and prepare for new challenges that you may face next year. 

It doesn’t have to be all black ties and champagne glasses, there are lots of informal and more casual ways to network that may feel more comfortable for you.

Building your LinkedIn network by connecting with people that inspire you is an easy way to get started. Then you can message people who you’d like to chat with and see whether they’re open to meeting with you for a virtual coffee (people are usually super friendly!).

Build Your Personal Brand

Personal branding has gained a lot of attention in recent years and we’re not surprised. Focusing on building an authentic personal brand is a great way to create incredible career opportunities for yourself by showcasing your ability, values and interests.

Personal branding doesn’t have to look a certain way or take place on a certain platform, as long as you’re portraying yourself in a positive and authentic way, you’re building your personal brand.

Girls in Marketing recently launched a free Personal Branding Toolkit in partnership with Adobe Express to help marketers understand and express their personal brand clearly and in a way that benefits them. If you're a marketer looking to improve your employability, create career opportunities and learn new skills, this is the toolkit for you!

Improve Your Productivity

Did you know that the average worker is productive for 60% of the day or less? Finding ways to improve your productivity is key to enhancing your performance as a marketer. 

Productivity tips include making structured and realistic to-do lists, time-blocking your day to accommodate all of your tasks and avoiding the dreaded doom-scroll.

For more tips, we’ve shared our advice on how to be consistently productive as a marketer.


Let’s implement these tips and put our best foot forward into 2023 to make this the best year yet!

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