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Top Tips on How to Increase Email Conversion Rate

content and email marketing Sep 29, 2020

Working out how to increase email conversion rates can expand your business and engagement. One of the main goals of email marketing is to increase conversion. But, the return on investment only happens when your email marketing campaign convinces readers to complete the desired action. How do we work out a conversion rate?

To do this, simply divide the number of people who complete your desired action by the total number of successful deliveries. Then, multiply that number by 100. The average conversion rate is different for every industry but the overall average is around 7.13%. So, if you are struggling to reach the average conversion rate this blog post is for you! In this blog, I hope to give you some actionable tips to help you increase your email conversion rate.

Send Content Specific to the Reader's Stage in the Purchasing Funnel

It is evident that segmenting your email list can create a more personalised experience for the reader. A good way to segment your email list is by the customer journey stage. By matching the email content to the reader's stage in the purchasing funnel, the reader is more likely to engage and convert. Some factors to consider when deciding where your subscribers are in the customer journey include:

  • Time since they subscribed to your list
  • Previous open and click through rates
  • Previous purchases

Use a Relevant Landing Page

You cannot send people to your website home page and hope for the best. Of course, the chosen landing page will depend on the contents of your email. For example, if you are advertising a specific product or service then make sure the reader is directed to the landing page for said product or service. This also offers the opportunity for personalisation.

For example, abandonment emails should lead the consumer to the product they abandoned in their cart. This is also concurrent with retargeted emails. It should be clear to the customer what you expect them to do next. If your email directs consumers to a generic web page they are going to lose interest and inevitably click away - as a result, increasing bounce rate. 

Use Visuals 

Visuals can bring up engagement with emails by a mile, therefore improving the conversion rate. This type of content is 40 times more likely to be shared across social media than any other type of content. If you use images, videos, emojis and GIFs in email content, you'll catch the eye of the reader. Visuals can be a creative and quick way to convey your message. It is also important to note that linking your images to relevant content or products on your website can be very effective. Similarly, visuals can also be used within the landing page to retain the reader's attention. 

Include an Effective Call to Action 

A call to action should clearly state what you want the reader to do when they finish reading your email. An effective CTA will encourage readers to go through with a purchase. A CTA should be clear, concise and actionable. Furthermore, personalised CTAs can also be very effective and really grab readers attention - ultimately driving them to take the desired action. 

Optimise for Mobile 

It's essential to make sure your email marketing campaigns are optimised for mobile devices. Mobile is the most common device used by people checking their emails. Your email content should be easy to view and read on the small screen - as smartwatches are on the rise. The reality is that if your email is glitching or is displaying in a manner that is difficult to read people will just click off straight away. As a result, your conversion rate will suffer. Focus on perfecting this for mobile.

I hope these tips have been helpful and you'll be able to increase your email conversion rate. You can read more about email marketing on our blog, including all about best practices for writing email subject lines. Remember your email content should still be relevant to your brand message and your reader. Experiment with different influencing factors and figure out which ones work best for you and your brand. 


Written by Emma Sneddon

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