Women sitting in a group smiling

Take a Look Inside a Girls in Marketing Meet Up...

community Dec 06, 2022

When Girls in Marketing first launched in 2020, it was impossible for most of us to encounter new people or forge fresh connections, especially in the professional world. Let’s be honest, it was difficult to imagine bumping into someone at the supermarket, let alone attend professional networking mixers. 

For a long time, in-person events were off the cards until 2022 when we could finally push the boat out and give our community – you – exactly what they deserve.

In 2022, we held a total of 6 IRL (in real life!) events for our community. One of those was a ticketed event, available to the general public, called #GetSocialIRL. Hosted in the heart of Manchester, this was our debut into the world of in-person events and we were lucky enough to partner with Adobe Express to help bring that vision to life.

With nearly hundred marketers in one room, we were blown away by the response and immediately knew we had to replicate smaller versions for marketers as part of the Girls in Marketing membership. 

Inside our London Meet Up – November 2022…

Picture this: it’s a cold November night. Somewhere, in a gorgeous venue off the beaten track in North London, a group of marketers get together for a friendly and fuss-free evening of networking. 

We pride ourselves on creating events that are casual, relaxed and completely stress-free. Lots of members are solo-attendees hoping to meet like-minded people, which is why we try to make the environment as welcoming and familiar as possible. From cosy cups of tea to bonding over fun activities, we design our events so everyone can feel totally at ease.

The evening started off with everyone introducing themselves and what they wanted to get out of the evening before breaking away into smaller groups and at that point, the chatter commenced!

Come for the networking, stay for the marketing workshop…

It wouldn’t be a Girls in Marketing event if we didn’t get our Founder, Olivia, to stand up and share her wisdom! This time, Olivia gave a fascinating presentation around brand strategy and how marketers can monitor brand perception and create impact with their campaigns. 

Once the talk was over, it was time to get stuck into our creative task of the night: create your own personal marketing moodboard! To keep people busy and get the conversation flowing, we huddled around a table to have a chat and dive into some arts and crafts. 

In true Girls in Marketing fashion, we even had a Polaroid on hand so our lovely members could snap a pic with their new-found friends, add it to their mood board or take home a memento. And, of course, post it on LinkedIn!


To join in with the fun, sign up to become a Girls in Marketing member and book your free ticket to one of our meet ups! 

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