Girls in Marketing: Behind the Scenes of a Community-Based Brand

business Dec 16, 2021

Endless words of encouragement, too many coffees and a whole lot of ambition; that's Girls in Marketing. With a community of over 170,000+ marketers across a variety of platforms, we've created a safe, educational space for go-getters across the world.

Risen from the bottom of a Starbucks cup back in 2019, our Founder and CEO, Olivia, brought the business to life. It all began with a vision to create an online space where marketers could come together and find their industry voice. When it comes to women within marketing, there are plenty of us out there. However, there's a lack of progression to leading roles that require hierarchy within companies. Olivia wanted to bridge the expectations and realities of discrimination against female marketers, and she did so by creating Girls in Marketing.

Flash-forward to the present, we've built an empire for women (and others!) to level up their marketing in a professionally-recognised way. It's time to peel back the brand and take a closer look at GiM and why we focus on community.

What is Community-Based Marketing?

If you're wondering 'what is community-based marketing?', it's exactly as it sounds. Our audience means way more to us than being statistics within Google Analytics. Everything we do is for the community, as our business is for marketers, by marketers. It's all about connections and making individuals feel supported through e-learning opportunities via online resources, virtual events and group support. The community comes first, and every piece of content we produce aims to educate, inform and inspire marketing dreamers.

Community-based marketing comes from the intention of actively connecting with an audience and encouraging them to participate in your strategy without intruding in their space. This can be through UGC online content, interactive posts, and anything that has the community's interests at heart. Additionally, this helps build trustworthiness as a brand because you build a strong, genuine relationship with consumers.

How Do Girls in Marketing Operate?

Girls in Marketing is a small team with huge ambition. With our headquarters being in Liverpool, we virtually bring marketers together via digital platforms such as our Members Society and social media channels. It all began as an Instagram page and blog during the height of the pandemic, but we've exceeded our expectations and taken off into the realm of industry possibility.

With less than 10 team members, behind the scenes of the business includes a lot of planning and kick-ass creating. Along with weekly team meetings and crazily long productivity lists, each of us has individual responsibilities within GiM. Of course, we work on big projects together, but it all comes down to the commitment to the community. The creative queens within our team wouldn't have anything to strive towards without those that engage with what we do.

Not to mention, the team operates on honesty. As there are only a few of us, each campaign suggestion or project idea is met with complete and utter honesty. Within marketing, you grow from success and learn from failures. It's always about constructively moving forwards, which can't be done without truthful opinions and measuring statistics.

Our Marketing Musts

With our own unique experiences and addiction to advising others, there are a few marketing musts that we follow behind the scenes. Marketing musts help keep the passion alive whilst also aiming for realistic goals. Here are several of our musts that you can implement within your own business:

  • Consistency is key - whether you're posting on social media or reflecting on monthly targets, consistency is incredibly important.
  • Measure your metrics - if you measure, you'll know how to improve next time.
  • Research - what content is taking off right now and how does it apply to your business?
  • Go big or go home - give your all to campaigns and marketing goals.
  • Admire your team - whether it's you alone or a group, admire efforts and give praise. Constructive criticism is also encouraged when necessary!
  • Treat your community how you'd want to be treated - remain empathetic with your audience.

As well as these points, take everything you see on LinkedIn with a pinch of salt. We ADORE this platform, however, things get quite competitive on there. Rather than channelling your energy into other people's success stories, remain full force ahead within your own lane. Follow fellow marketers that inspire you, rather than those that make you think you're not moving fast enough in the industry.

What's Next?

We're constantly improving our marketing resources, expertise and overall contribution to our community. We're going all out with everything we do, and we've always got exciting plans in the mix. From a glow-up of the Members Society and strong partnerships on the horizon, there's nothing too far-fetched when you have a mission on your mind: to empower and educate women in marketing.

You're the main reason why Girls in Marketing exists, and we're so thankful to have you exploring our corner of the internet. What's next for you, marketer? Feel free to take a look at our other blogs and resources, as you're welcome here as long as you like.



Written by Lauren Evans

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