Generation Z Marketing Recommendations

content and email marketing Sep 09, 2020

We used to think millennials, also known as generation Y, were the new trend. Educated digital natives, born and raised in this technological world. But, we're now living in 2020. Times have changed and it's all about Generation Z. How do we adapt our marketing solutions to attract these media-hungry dreamers?


What Do We Know About Them?

If you didn't know already, Gen Z includes people born in the mid-to-late 90s to the early 2010s. These are go-getters surrounded by social media and online content. Millions born within this generation don't know a life without smartphones. This is essential for marketing solutions, especially because people tend to spend most of their time on apps, such as YouTube, now more than ever before.


Key Marketing Recommendations

1. Drop Traditional Marketing Methods

Gen Z relies a lot on social media for many different reasons, so much so that they spend 29 hours and 29 minutes a week on average, according to 2019 Tecmarc data.

If you really want to attract attention from Gen Z, forget about traditional TV ads, leaflets and billboards. You should focus 90% of your attention on mobile videos, mobile eCommerce sites, social networks and any other phone-based experiences that cater to them.

While Millenials are mainly hooked on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, Gen Z eats content from Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, and -- more recently -- TikTok.

2. Prioritise Content

Remember content was king for SEO purposes? Now content is even more important.

Forget about long story posts and videos, this generation’s average attention span is exactly eight seconds.

So get ready to produce short catching-eye videos and come up with engaging straplines and slogans, otherwise, you won’t be able to capture their attention.

How? Making the most of Instagram Stories, Snapchat Stories and Facebook Stories, whether it's video or image.

3. Don’t Underestimate Their Buying Power

If you are one of those who think youngsters don’t have a budget, get ready to hear that Generation Z will have $44 billion in buying power, according to LinkedIn data.

Gen Z influencers are more and more getting the likes of brands such as Gucci, Dior or Mercedes, mainly because they are aware of the buying power of this generation.

Actually, only 65% of the generation sees value in coupons, discounts, and rewards programs.

4. Highlight Your Product’s Value

Businesses must rethink how they deliver value to the consumer, and—more than ever—practice what they preach when they address marketing issues and work ethics.

Gen Z look beyond tangible products and actually try to understand what is it that makes the company tick. This means it is time to work on your company’s brand harder than ever.

Start by stating clearly your mission and purpose and pushing for further development on Corporate Responsibility.

5. Engage With Customers

They expect brands to respond to feedback and view this responsiveness as key to determining the authenticity of a brand.

In this sense, reviews are key. According to Unidays, 41% of this generation read at least five online reviews before making a purchase, and they share twice as much positive feedback than negative.

Hence, the importance of building on engagement and investing on customer service.

6. Make the Most of User-Generated Content

Include plenty of user-generated content to encourage conversions.

Gen Z users tend to crowdsource most of their decisions by listening to reviews from friends and family but also and most importantly, strangers and influencers.

It's not enough to simply share a screenshot of a user review or retweet a customer's positive post about your company, though.

UGC must be incorporated purposefully and meaningfully to create that strong connection with customers

Every new generation of consumers means shifting our marketing tactics and best practices.

So, if you’re targeting a Gen Z audience, take note of all these key recommendations when refining your digital marketing strategy.


Written by Esther Méndez

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