Event Marketing: Types and Some Examples

pr and events Aug 04, 2020

Event marketing is a way of getting our products and services across to the customers by transmitting experiences through public relations. This marketing method involves direct face-to-face contact between brands and the potential buyer in events such as trade shows, conferences, webinars or seminars.

The three key points on which event marketing is based are:

  • Entertainment.
  • Excitement.
  • Enterprise (Initiative)

Event marketing has a multiplier effect, because if you succeed in making customers live one specific and unique experience, they will remember it in their minds for a long time and with great clarity.

A survey made by the Bizzabo platform confirms that The majority (85%) of respondents in leadership roles (Senior Managers, Executives, and Board Members) have identified in-person events as critical for their company’s success—double the number of leaders than in 2019. (Bizzabo, 2020).

Types of Event Marketing

Generally speaking, we have two main categories:

  • Face-to-Face or Physical Event marketing.
  • Online Event Marketing.

In 2020 this sector, like so many others, has suffered an earthquake that has made the online part gain a certain importance. And in my opinion, this trend is here to stay.

The most common types of Marketing Events are:

Trade Shows and Exhibitions

They are usually industry-specific. This is one of the best ways for companies to present their new products as well as to learn first-hand what their competition is doing. Example:Pure London , the UK’s leading fashion trade show.

Networking Events

Meeting new people and expanding your circle is one of the crucial activities on a professional level. If you are an entrepreneur, this type of event is critical to give visibility to your business. Examples: Midland Business Network and Woman in Business Network both provide professional business exhibitions and networking events.


These are events in which the goal is to achieve sales without obtaining the buyer's contact details. For example, when the potential client comes to the brand stand, he is given a small gift or goodies for the fact of going and getting interested, and by the way, it will remain in his memory for the future.

VIP Events

It is targeted to the C-Level, executive or top profiles of each company. Where they can have exclusive experiences as well as interact with other similar profiles in other companies.


It is one of the most expensive events for your organisation. The conferences have several speakers, and the attendees will be able to listen and learn from the gurus or experts, about topics that interest them. Example: Content World Conference the biggest event in the content marketing community.

  • A subcategory would be the panels or presentations made by Speakers. In many cases a networking session is also held during this type of event.

Seminars and Workshops

Both categories have an educational purpose. The two main differences between them are: their duration (Workshops can last one or more days and Seminars one or more hours), and their content (Workshops are more participatory while Seminars are usually Lectures with less interaction although some questions can be answered).

  • Another subcategory is the Webinars. It is usually a presentation, conference or workshop that occurs online in real time. Users can participate through their questions or file sharing. It is important that the content offered in this category is useful and of quality, especially if the attendees have to pay a ticket for it.


They are experiences targeted to a very specific audience. The artists themselves are the first to be promoted directly to their fans. Examples: RedBull or American Express.

  • The events broadcasted by live Streaming are an extension of video marketing and during 2020 have become the favourite channel for most brands and event organisers for the quick and easy way to create engagement. As an example, this year a lot of concerts and festivals were cancelled, but a lot of artists performed for all their fans in social networks like Instagram, Facebook or Youtube

Product Launches

The great opportunity for the brand to promote their bestselling products and attract quality leads. Example: Of course, Apple is the absolute king of product launches. Its loyal followers (and some competitors), are waiting for the event where they present their latest news.


2020 is a historic year full of transformations and changes, and the events sector it was not going to be outdone. Almost all the items previously discussed have become virtual events. It allows businesses to reach a global audience in different places at different times and the prospective buyer can take part online. This type of events can effectively cover the entire range from trade shows, sales environments, conferences, etc.

For me, the trend is very clear, but we must not lose the focus on quality. Even if you can optimise costs in terms of the organisation of the event, the potential customer will continue demanding and won’t be willing to pay neither by buying a ticket nor a product if we do not meet his expectations.

Written by Cristina Moreno

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