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Essential Video and Phone Interview Advice

career advice student advice Dec 02, 2020

Video and phone interview advice are so important nowadays. With COVID-19 making face-to-face interactions a thing of the past, virtual interviews are becoming more popular. That’s why we thought we’d give you some of our top tips and advice for video and phone interviews.

Job Description

As with any interview, make sure you know the job description inside out. This will give you some indication as to what types of questions you may be asked. You’ll also be able to ask some relevant questions at the end e.g. “The job description mentions... What would this entail/what systems would I be using for this?”

Research the Company

Researching the company you’re interviewing with will help set you apart from any competition. Interviewers will always be impressed if they can see you’ve taken the time to learn about the company. The best places to look for news and updates are the company’s LinkedIn profile or ‘news’ section of their website. E.g. if the marketing team has just won an award, mention how you’d love to join the “marketing team of the year”. This will show you’ve done your research and you’re staying up to date with the business’ news and achievements before you’ve even got there.

Examples of Skills

One of the most important parts of preparing for an interview is thinking of examples of relevant skills you have for the job. Dig deep and remind yourself of previous work achievements, courses you've completed, and anything that fits with the job description. Or, even think of some generic skills you think would be suitable for the role but aren’t mentioned in the job description. For example, creativity or copywriting skills are essential for any marketing role, so think of a really strong example of a time you’ve demonstrated these, such as during uni or if you have a blog. Perhaps you have skills listed in a portfolio or a personal statement.

Create Prompts

Make some brief notes on your laptop you can quickly scan without hesitating or taking too long to read. If it’s a video interview, you could make some brief bullet points on your laptop. But, make sure you maintain eye contact and avoid looking like you’re reading anything. Remember they are only prompts, so keep them as brief as possible.

Make Sure You Sound Positive

One of the most important pieces of video and phone interview advice is ensuring you sound positive. Your interviewer won’t be able to see you if it’s a phone interview, so make sure to come across as cheerful and enthusiastic. Answer the phone in a friendly but professional manner and maintain this throughout your interview. A simple trick is to smile when answering questions as it’s proven this can be heard in your voice. Also, make sure you have a strong phone signal and have no background noise.

Create the Perfect Set-Up

  • Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.

  • Make sure your background is suitable, a plain wall would be best.

  • Check you have a strong internet connection and double-check your webcam and audio work well.

  • Dress appropriately as you would for an interview in person.

  • Silence or turn off your phone/laptop notifications.

  • Have a notebook handy to make any notes.

  • Have a glass of water next to you.

Send a Follow-Up Email

A nice gesture would be to send a follow-up email within 48 hours of your interview, thanking the interviewers for their time. It’s also good to mention that you think the interview went well, and you feel you’d be a great fit for the role.

Best of luck if you have an upcoming interview! Use our video and phone interview advice to make sure you're as prepared as can be.


Written by Laura Robinson

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