5 Ways to Promote your Event on Social Media

pr and events Jul 28, 2020

So you're planning an Event and you want to promote via Social Media. Struggling to know where to start? I’ll take you through 5 ways you can use Social Media to effectively promote your event. 

Choose your platforms

The nature of your event and your target audience will influence which Social Media platforms you promote your event on. Each platform has it’s own benefits and unique tools that can aid your Event promotion.

For instance, LinkedIn or Twitter could work great for promotion. Especially if you are hosting a virtual business related event such as a workshop or seminar. Whilst Facebook is also attractive for promoting events. This is due to the fact that you can create a ‘Facebook Event’ as the hub to share event information and ticket links etc. In addition to this, Instagram is attractive to promote events due to the ‘Countdown’ tool in the stories keeping attendees engaged. Whilst the likes of using Snapchat is popular due to the ability to create a geo-filter for your event! It’ll all depend on which platforms as a Marketer you currently utilise and which will benefit your event most. 

Once you’ve got your platforms nailed it’s time to implement the following 5 promotional methods on your platforms! 

1. Create a Hashtag

It might sound obvious but creating a hashtag for your event can be really beneficial. You can use the hashtag to promote your event and track engagement. Once you’ve decided on your hashtag post it everywhere.  Firstly include it in the bios of all of your Social Media accounts. Secondly, use it across all your Social Media promotions for the event. Include it on every single post you create as well as every Instagram or Facebook story you post. 

By engaging with your hashtag you can also see what others are posting about your event, automatically directing you to content you can share with your audience in the lead up to the event. 

Using a hashtag isn’t just important in the promotion stages, it can be used during and even after the event. If you are hosting a physical event, ensure the hashtag is clear in the venue on printed materials, encouraging people to use it during the event. Similarly, if you are running a virtual event, encourage your attendees to post content using the hashtag throughout the event. Additionally, following the event be sure to engage with your hashtag. Event attendees often will often share images or feedback from the said event and will use the hashtag. This is a great way to gain insight into the success of the event and the opinions of the attendees. 

Top tip - Research your hashtag before you launch promotional content. Make sure it is unique to your event and not already used by someone else! 

2. Social Media Competitions

Social Media contests can be so much more than giving away free event tickets to someone who simply has to ‘like and share a post’. Whilst doing that is an option to create a buzz around your event you could run a Social Media competition for people who buy tickets. Obviously, the prize should be relevant to the nature of your event and your budget will need to be considered. For instance, ticket holders could be placed into a draw to win a prize they can collect on the night. Or, perhaps if you're running a virtual event the prize winner could be announced during the event.

Top tip - See if you can source a sponsor to collaborate with to supply the prize/s. They could be open to promoting your event on their Social Media accounts, in return for some shout outs from you, or including them directly in the contest. 

3. Use Paid Social Media Ads

Advertise your event across your chosen platform. Create an eye-catching ad and be sure to include your hashtag, socials, website and of course a call to action encouraging viewers of the ad to buy tickets. Facebook Ads Manager is easy to use to show your ads on both Facebook and Instagram. Whilst Instagram Business is another great tool. Snapchat and Twitter also have platforms to create ads simply! 

Top tip - If you aren’t lucky enough to have a Graphic Designer, use Canva to create eye-catching graphics for your ad on an easy to use platform!

4. Work with Influencers

Working with influencers can be a fantastic way to promote your event as they’ll have a niche following to showcase your event to. In the early planning stages of your event reach out to influencers before event promotions have begun. Include them as a part of your Event Marketing Plan. Make sure the influencers you choose to work with are on-brand and relevant to your event and target audience. I often find people assume that working with influencers means that they need to be some sort of socialite or local celebrity. They don’t. They just need to be influential in the area relevant to your event. It doesn’t matter the nature of your event whether it’s B2B or B2C there will be an influencer or industry expert who you can work with and in turn use their Social Media platforms to promote your event. 

Top tip - Use hashtag searches via Social Media to find the perfect influencers to promote your event and get networking!

5. Stand out from the crowd with your content

Events take place every day. You need to ensure that you have an edge that makes people want to buy tickets from you over a competitor. Yes, maybe your event idea is unique, however, you still need it to stand out and generate ticket sales. It's time to get creative with your social media content. Successfully promoting an event via Social Media is so much more than just a post with some copy.

Think of ways to create engaging content for potential attendees and create some hype for your event. Maybe host an Instagram Q&A giving interested people a chance to ask questions around the event. Or perhaps you could showcase high-quality images relating to your event across your socials to get people excited. Not only will this provide them with an understanding of just how great this event will be but it will create urgency that they NEED to purchase tickets and not miss out. Finally, you could create an element of your event that your attendees decide. Use a poll to do this and to gather their opinions. 

Top tip - Don’t forget to create conversations around your event. Create content with calls to action that require attendees to respond!

Now you’ve got the idea of how to promote your event on Social Media, work out a Social Media plan or calendar leading up to the Event and get scheduling your content!


Written by Ellen Grimshaw

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