5 Tips for Growing Your LinkedIn Business Page

social media May 27, 2021

Having a LinkedIn business page can open up doors and create opportunities you’ve only ever dreamed of. With 722 million members (and rising), the social networking website is a must-have for businesses wanting to create a strong, well-known presence online. You can interact with success-hungry entrepreneurs and global brands, down to small businesses and freelancers. Your brand will look professional and digital-driven, which is crucial to be in current times. 

Let’s not forget about the fact that LinkedIn is crazily accessible for mobile users. Nowadays, you need to put a spotlight on mobile-friendly marketing as a business, otherwise, you’ll fall behind. LinkedIn literally has an app that you can scroll through, which is why you should get going with a business page, pronto. 

How to Create a LinkedIn Business Page

Firstly, to get the ball rolling, you need to know how to create a LinkedIn business page. After creating a personal profile that’s been active for 7 days or more and features a company website/email, you can opt to create a business page. Next, fill out your business profile (all the good stuff) and you’ll be on your way. 

Tips for Growth 

1. Build a Consistent Brand 

Most importantly when creating your LinkedIn business page, you need to build a consistent brand. You want users to recognise your brand whenever you post and think of you even when they’re not seeing you on their feed. This helps with offline marketing too! If your branding is memorable, you’ll be at the forefront of the consumer’s mind. 

To do this, you should utilise your cover photo and profile picture to their full potential. Ensure that your business colours shine throughout, and stick to consistent fonts. This also applies when you’re posting content, as it’ll team together like an unstoppable force. Secondly, your brand tone of voice comes into branding, which you should always remember. Are you confident in your voice and the way you promote your business? 

2. Rotate Your Content 

Rotate your content, Hunny! Content has a huge impact on growth, as you’ll have a wide range of posts that are relatable for different users. A few examples of effective content include:

  • Educational
  • Informational
  • Inspirational
  • Reactive
  • Promotional

This all depends on your audience and who you’re tailoring to, but rotating types of content will give followers a healthy variety of posts to get involved with. Not only this, but users will be more likely to follow your business if they see that you mix things up. No one wants to be bombarded with daily offers on products without a break, even if they do love a good bargain. 

3. Vary Your Hashtags and Use Precious Links

Knowing how to improve a LinkedIn business page includes hashtags too. Varying your hashtags will attract new visitors to your page organically, whilst gaining the retention of your current followers. Of course, you should always use your brand name as a hashtag, e.g. #girlsinmarketing, as a staple piece. This way, your audience will know to use your hashtag whenever they share your content on their personal page. 

Moreover, think of external links in posts as a golden nugget of information that you shouldn’t share too often. Seriously, posting links on LinkedIn is infamous for reducing the reach of a post. Perhaps, this could be because external links are used for directing a user away from the platform? Either way, choose wisely with the number of links you attach to your posts.

4. Engage With Followers and Invite Personal Connections

Along with knowing how to create a LinkedIn business page is interacting and engaging with your followers. This may seem obvious, but it’s an essential part of growth. See it as reacting to supportive friends - your followers are there to support your business. Set aside 10 minutes every morning/afternoon to look through comments, responding to them as you go. Not only will this up the number of comments, but it’ll encourage followers to continue raving about your business. Customer care will be seen as important to your business, which is what the world loves. P.s. Make sure you react and comment with other businesses too. Get involved!

Also, inviting personal connections to follow your business page is GENIUS. Whether it’s friends from outside of work or your past university lecturer, you never know who will take an interest in your business. These people are usually the proudest of you and will happily be your cheerleader on LinkedIn. 

5. Shout About Your Business Page

Do you use Email Marketing in your strategy? Are you an Instagram lover? Well, these are ideal ways to shout about your LinkedIn business page. As well as utilising how to improve a LinkedIn business page, you can gain followers through external promotion. Include a ‘click me’ button in an email to clients, post on your Instagram feed, start making moves. 

Speaking of which… Have you gotten involved with our Girls in Marketing LinkedIn page yet? See you there!

Written by Lauren Evans.

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