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5 of the Best Free Courses on Digital Marketing

career advice student advice Nov 12, 2020

Digital marketing courses are a brilliant way to spend your time. They offer expert advice, structured education and build your CV whilst enhancing your skillset. In our blog, we discuss 5 of the best free courses on digital marketing. This includes what they offer, how they're available and how they will benefit your marketing journey!

Google Digital Garage Certification - The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

I completed the Google Digital Garage course at the start of lockdown. This is one of the best free digital marketing courses I could recommend! This is a popular course as it offers exactly what is in the title - the fundamentals. For this reason, it's perfect for those looking to start their journey in marketing or refresh their skills.

The Google Digital Garage Certification covers all elements of online marketing. From search engine optimisation, social media, search engine marketing, to email marketing, display advertisement, video, analytics, Shopify and more! The course can help you understand why marketing tools are important. Moreover, helping you achieve business goals. Due to the course being 40 hours long, you can complete it in your own time.

Hubspot Email Marketing Certification

Email marketing is a crucial part of a marketing strategy. As a result, the Hubspot email marketing course showcases this well.

The Hubspot certification is guided by three-course principles; Segmentation, Personalisation and taking a Data-Driven approach. Through these core principles, the course teaches you useful skills such as creating high performing emails, analysing data, building relationships with your contacts and more. There are nine lessons in total, each of which contains multiple short videos. As a result, this course is definitely useful when learning how to be more strategic with email marketing.

Analytics Academy Courses

Equally, another great free digital marketing course from Google is their Analytics Academy Courses. They have three different courses - Google Analytics for Beginners, Advanced Google Analytics, Google Analytics for Power Users. This allows people with varying experiences to gain greater knowledge.

As marketers, using analytics is extremely important for reaching our goals, as it provides us with insights that can allow us to make informed marketing decisions. This course shows the full potential of analytics such as implementing tracking codes, analysing reports, setting up goals and campaign tracking.

The advanced course looks at data collection, processing and configuration, and more complex analysis and marketing tools. This leads nicely to the 'Power Users' course where you learn and practice actionable analyses to track business performance and identify areas for business improvement.

SEMrush SEO Certificate

SEMrush is prominent in the SEO world. Not to mention, they have just under 20 courses specifically focusing on SEO. These courses cover things like: SEO toolkits, Site audits, Keyword research, Competitive analysis, On-page and technical SEO, Link building and SEO fundamentals. Hence, they have a strong history in SEO so are definitely a great source to follow for great SEO learnings. The courses and exams range anywhere from 10 minutes to 5 hours. Find the courses here.

Hootsuite's Social Media Marketing Course

This social media course is certainly ideal for beginner-level social media training. We all know how important social media is in the world we live in today. Fortunately, this course teaches you how to formulate a full social media strategy. Hootsuite will also dive into growing an online community and developing content to engage audiences. Also, there's a new feature on social videos - as this is now a huge trend in the content world. Furthermore, it's only six hours long so is easily achievable!

Along with this blog, we have plenty of other digital marketing course recommendations. We even have our own Girls in Marketing e-Courses for a small price, which are super beneficial and engaging!


Written by Riana Chandarana

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