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5 Competitor Analysis Tools You Should Be Using

social media Oct 28, 2020

From social media to website traffic, it's always good to know where you stand compared to your competitors. Many online tools will quickly show statistics that you can use to see what your competitors are doing and how to improve your current strategy. Here are 5 competitor analysis tools that you should be using!

Social Blade

This tool is great if you want to track social media statistics. You can get stats for many social platforms including YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, and Twitter. Use this tool if you want to understand social media trends and collect detailed data. Social Blade will give you an insight into a competitor's follower count, engagement rate, average likes data and much more. You can even use it on your own profiles to see how you compare. The best feature of Social Blade is the compare tab, which allows you to directly compare statistics from two profiles.


This is a nifty tool that can also act as a Google Chrome extension. It is focused around YouTube and is great if you're looking to improve your video marketing skills. You can use VidIQ to see engagement metrics across Facebook and Twitter, brand mentions, the best upload times, how you compare to your competitors and how you show up in YouTube's search results.


SimilarWeb combines website and paid search traffic to give you a complete overview of your and your competitor's data. Not only does it give you in-depth metrics, but you can see data such as which advertising method your competitor is using the most. You can also see your competitor's audience demographic and the interests of this audience. SimilarWeb is free to use, however, you can pay for premium services to give you a more detailed analysis.


One of the competitor analysis tools, MyTopTweets, lets you see the top 10 tweets for any Twitter user. You have to log in with your Twitter account first, then you are free to search your heart out. Use this to see engagement levels for different competitors and see what their audience interact with the most. You can also use this to see your own top content, so you can replicate this in your future tweets.


This all-in-one marketing tool lets you analyse your competitor's top organic and paid keywords, backlinks and much more. Use this tool to monitor your website's performance and compare it to other similar sites. Some top metrics you can track include keywords for which your competitors are ranking, organic and paid search traffic volume and backlinks. With a free account, you can get 5 reports a day - more than enough to keep an eye on your competitors. However, if you are willing to pay for premium services, you can get up to 3000 daily reports!

These competitor analysis tools will help you on the way to marketing success. You should always aim to refresh your strategy and keep on top of what's relevant.

Written by Suzie Letts

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