2021 Social Media Marketing Trends
Dec 21, 20202021 is just around the corner, and so are the upcoming social media trends. We are now in the final stretch of the year that has undoubtedly marked our lives. In 2020, people all over the world were affected by the pandemic. However, it's now time to take a breath and direct our efforts towards the new year with a fresh strategy and targets to meet.
Considering how everything happened this year and the digitalisation that many sectors have undergone, we can predict some social media trends of 2021:
2020 has been ruled by TikTok. The social networks were full of dances and challenges until August when Reels appeared (on Instagram). As a trend of social media in 2021 and due to different controversies with TikTok, Instagram has been gaining popularity among users. At the same time, users have stopped focusing on a single social network to diversify and share content.
Live Social Media
During the year 2020, we have generated a lot of live streaming content to fill the physical gap. We have shown our mood, favourite food, hobbies, gym routines, work, favourite movies, etc. Marketing experts and brands know that the way to communicate has changed. Users have revealed what they really want and how they behave at every moment. It's time to adjust strategies to achieve your goals in a completely different way!
The Rise of Digital Disinformation
Given the increase in digital disinformation, the main social media channels are going to take measures in 2021 to stop, for example, the rise of inaccuracies in the labelling or misleading content. Businesses will also need to promote transparency policies and monitor the use of their brands.
Personalized Marketing
More specifically, the application of user data to customize marketing to a demographic target. The rise of online shopping has led many brands to take advantage of the geographic location of their users and focus campaigns directly to that audience. Several items add up, such as the fact that we publish content from our own life in real-time and that they tell the location of their buyers.
Conversational Marketing
We already know that humanizing the brand is the first step to interact and connect with consumers. And if we build relationships with users, these will probably end up naturally in sales. Marketing will definitely stop being an exchange of messages. As far as social media in 2021 trend is concerned, it is going to be about having conversations with the consumer to bridge the gap between marketing and customer service.
Value for the Contents
Through social media, brands can transmit their values and positivity and reach a large number of people. If a company is capable of generating content that we identify as "good", this brand will remain in our memory for much longer. Users and potential consumers develop a great opinion about the brand that can connect with our own beliefs.
Old Techniques for new Results
Among the many uncertainties of 2020, the experts will possibly opt to introduce old variables in terms of marketing known to succeed from their previous experience.
Fakes and Robot Social vs Influencers
During 2020, we have seen an increase in robotic profiles as well as misinformation. In the next year, the different channels will have to look for fake profiles and even robotic accounts. Influencers face a new challenge in the fact that anyone can use their image without permission by creating a false profile. They will need to pay particular attention to the growth of this type of activity. In terms of the trend of social media in 2021, we will see that thanks to these robots, we can enjoy personalised experiences.
The world is continually evolving. Some things that we have incorporated into our routine, consciously or unconsciously, have come to stay.
In the end, the points explained in this article are some predictions based on user behaviour. Only time will tell where we will go in 2021!
Written by Cristina Moreno
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